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POLTERGEIST functions to regulate meristem development downstream of the CLAVATA loci
Authors:Yu L P  Simon E J  Trotochaud A E  Clark S E
Institution:Department of Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1048, USA.
Abstract:Mutations at the CLAVATA loci (CLV1, CLV2 and CLV3) result in the accumulation of undifferentiated cells at the shoot and floral meristems. We have isolated three mutant alleles of a novel locus, POLTERGEIST (POL), as suppressors of clv1, clv2 and clv3 phenotypes. All pol mutants were nearly indistinguishable from wild-type plants; however, pol mutations provided recessive, partial suppression of meristem defects in strong clv1 and clv3 mutants, and nearly complete suppression of weak clv1 mutants. pol mutations partially suppressed clv2 floral and pedicel defects in a dominant fashion, and almost completely suppressed clv2 phenotypes in a recessive manner. These observations, along with dominant interactions observed between the pol and wuschel (wus) mutations, indicate that POL functions as a critical regulator of meristem development downstream of the CLV loci and redundantly with WUS. Consistent with this, pol mutations do not suppress clv3 phenotypes by altering CLV1 receptor activation.
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