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The occurrence of nucleopolyhedrovirus infecting Hyposidra talaca (Geometridae: Lepidoptera), a tea defoliator from North-East India
Authors:Palatty Allesh Sinu  Binu Antony  Sadhan Mallick
Affiliation:1. Tea Research Association, North Bengal Regional R&2. D Centre , Jalpaiguri District , West Bengal , 735 225 , India;3. Tea Research Association, Tocklai Experimental Station , Jorhat , Assam – 785 008 , India
Abstract:We identified the nucleopolyhedrovirus (HytaNPV), specific to Hyposidra talaca, a major defoliator of tea in India by partial amplification of polyhedrin gene. The sequence analysis revealed HytaNPV is closely related to NPVs that infect Buzura suppressaria and Ectropis obliqua, in China.
Keywords:Hyposidra talaca  looper caterpillar  NPV  PCR  tea pest  North-East India
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