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Inhibition of electron transfer from ferrocytochrome b to ubiquinone, cytochrome c1 and duroquinone by antimycin.
Authors:G VON Jagow  C Bohrer
Abstract:The effect of antimycin on (i) the respiratory activity of the KCN-insensitive pathway of mitochondria of Neurospora grown on chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol-grown) with durohydroquinone and succinate or NADH as substrate, (ii) the electron transfer from the b-type cytochromes to ubiquinone with durohydroquinone as electron donor as well as (iii) the electron transfer from the b-type cytochromes to duroquinone with succinate as electron donor in chloramphenicol-grown Neurospora and beef heart submitochondrial particles was studied. All experiments were performed in the uncoupled state. 1. The respiratory chain of chloramphenicol-grown Neurospora mitochondria branches at ubiquinone into two pathways. Besides the cytochrome oxidase-dependent pathway, a KCN-insensitive branch equiped with a salicylhydroxamate-sensitive oxidase exists. Durohydroquinone, succinate or NADH are oxidized via both pathways. The durohydroquinone oxidation via the KCN-insensitive pathway is inhibited by antimycin, wheras the succinate or NADH oxidation is not. The titer for ful inhibition is one mol antimycin per mol cytochrome b-563 or cytochrome b-557. 2. The electron transfer from durohydroquinone to ubiquinone, which takes place in the KCN-inhibited state, does not occur in the antimycin-inhibited state. 3. The reduction of duroquinone by succinate in the presence of KCN is inhibited by antimycin. The titer for full inhibition is one mol antimycin per mol cytochrome b-566 or cytochrome b-562 for beef heart (or cytochrome b-563 or cytochrome b-557 for Neurospora). 4. When electron transfer from the b-type cytochromes to cytochrome C1, ubiquinone and duroquinone is inhibited by antimycin, the hemes of cytochrome b-566 and cytochrome b-562 (or cytochrome b-563 and cytochrome b-557) are in the reduced state. 5. The experimental results suggest that the two b-type cytochromes form a binary complex the electron transferring activity of which is inhibited by antimycin, the titer for full inhibition being one mol of antimycin per mol of complex. The electron transfer from the b-type cytochromes to ubiquinone is inhibited in a non-linear fashion.
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