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Chemosensitivity of human colon cancer cells is influenced by a p53-dependent enhancement of ceramide synthase 5 and induction of autophagy
Authors:Sebastian Brachtendorf  Ruth Anna Wanger  Kerstin Birod  Dominique Thomas  Sandra Trautmann  Marthe-Susanna Wegner  Dominik C. Fuhrmann  Bernhard Brüne  Gerd Geisslinger  Sabine Grösch
Affiliation:1. Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany;2. Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Project Group Translational Medicine and Pharmacology (TMP), Frankfurt, Germany;3. Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Biochemistry I, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
Keywords:3′-UTR  three prime untranslated region  5-FU  5-fluorouracil  ANOVA  analysis of variance  AP-1  activator protein 1  AUC  area under the curve  Cer  ceramide  CerS  ceramide synthase  CoA  coenzyme A  CQ  chloroquine  CREB  cAMP response element-binding protein  CRE-BP  CREB binding protein  dhCer  dihydroceramide  DSS  dextran sulfate sodium  DTT  dithiothreitol  EMD  emerin  EV  empty vector  ECAR  extracellular acidification rate  FB1  fumonisin B1  GFP  green fluorescent protein  GluCer, GlcCer  glucosylceramide  GW4869  LacCer  lactosylceramide  LC3B  microtubule-associated proteins 1A/1B light chain 3B  LC-MS/MS  liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry  LUC  luciferase  miR, miRNA  microRNA  MMP-1  matrix metalloproteinase-1  NC  negative control  nSMase  neutral sphingomyelinase  OCR  oxygen consumption rate  Ox.  oxaliplatin  PI  propidium iodide  Poly(A)  polyadenylation  qRT-PCR  quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction  RPL37A  60S ribosomal protein L37a  S1P  sphingosine-1-phosphate  SDS-PAGE  sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  SEM  standard error of the mean  shRNA  short hairpin RNA  SP1  specificity protein 1  Untr.  untreated  WST  water-soluble tetrazolium  Sphingolipid  Chemoresistance  shRNA  Oxaliplatin  5-Fluorouracil
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