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The infestation and dispersion patterns of Carcinonemertes spp. (Nemertea) on their crab hosts
Authors:Jeffrey D. Shields
Affiliation:(1) Department of Biological Sciences, The University of California, 93106 Santa Barbara, CA, USA;(2) Department of Parasitology, The University of Queensland, 4072 St. Lucia, Brisbane, QLD, Australia;(3) Present address: Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, P.O. Box 1346, 23062 Gloucester Point, VA, USA
Abstract:Seasonal changes in the infestation and dispersion patterns of egg predatory nemerteans on their crab hosts were analyzed. Marked differences in the seasonal patterns of infestation were noted between worm species, yet, common patterns in the aggregation of the worms were found. Worm aggregation increased at the onset of the reproductive seasons of the hosts, and at the nadirs of the reproductive seasons for those hosts with year round breeding. The aggregation patterns of two worm species fluctuated with the physical environment of their estuarine hosts. Salinity changes as a result of seasonal rains may have caused changes in the underlying dispersion patterns of Carcinonemertes epialti on Hemiarapsus oregonensis, and C. mitsukurii on Portunus pelagicus. Lastly, the embryogenic cycle of the host species was significant in shaping the infestation and aggregation patterns of C. epialti on Cancer anthonyi and C. regicides on Paralithodes camtschaticus. Worm immigration and emigration were linked to crab embryogenesis and directly influenced the dispersion patterns of the worms.
Keywords:Cancer anthonyi    Carcinonemertes epialti    C. mitsukurii    C. regicides    Hemigrapsus oregonensis    Paralithodes camtschaticus    Portunus pelagicus   aggregation  egg predation
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