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Development of primers to characterize the mitochondrial control region of the snow leopard (Uncia uncia)
Abstract:The snow leopard (Uncia uncia) is a rare carnivore living above the snow line in central Asia. Using universal primers for the mitochondrial genome control region hypervariable region 1 (HVR1), we isolated a 411‐bp fragment of HVR1 and then designed specific primers near each end of this sequence in the conserved regions. These primers were shown to yield good polymerase chain reaction products and to be species specific. Of the 12 snow leopards studied, there were 11 segregating sites and six haplotypes. An identification case of snow leopard carcass (confiscated by the police) proved the primers to be a useful tool for forensic diagnosis in field and population genetics studies.
Keywords:control region  Felidae  mitochondrial DNA  snow leopard  species‐specific primers
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