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引用本文:Yang H,Li DY,Cao X,Zou ZY,Xiao W,Zhu JL. 微卫星标记分析罗非鱼群体的遗传潜力[J]. 遗传, 2011, 33(7): 768-775. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1005.2011.00768
作者姓名:Yang H  Li DY  Cao X  Zou ZY  Xiao W  Zhu JL
作者单位:1. 中国水产科学研究院淡水渔业研究中心,农业部淡水鱼类遗传育种与养殖生物学重点开放实验室,无锡214081
2. 中国水产科学研究院淡水渔业研究中心,农业部淡水鱼类遗传育种与养殖生物学重点开放实验室,无锡214081;南京农业大学无锡渔业学院,无锡214081
摘    要:利用25个微卫星标记,对奥利亚罗非鱼2个群体["夏奥1号"(ZA)、广西群体(GA)]和尼罗罗非鱼4个群体[埃及品系(ZN)、88品系(XN)、广西群体(GN)、美国品系(MN)]进行检测。共检测到7 775个扩增片段,长度在100~400 bp;等位基因数3~8个不等,共计143个等位基因;平均每个基因座扩增得到5.72个等位基因。各群体平均观测杂合度(H o)在0.7253~0.8160之间,平均期望杂合度(He)在0.5146~0.6834之间,平均多态信息含量(PIC)在0.4212~0.6105之间,平均有效等位基因数(A e)在2.20~3.23之间。ZA与GA遗传相似系数最高(0.9130),ZA与ZN遗传相似系数最低(0.4352)。总的说来,4个尼罗罗非鱼群体的遗传潜力较高,2个奥利亚罗非鱼群体的遗传潜力适中。

关 键 词:遗传潜力  奥利亚罗非鱼  尼罗罗非鱼  微卫星  遗传多样性

Genetic potential analysis of six tilapia populations by microsatellite DNA markers
Yang Hong,Li Da-Yu,Cao Xiang,Zou Zhi-Ying,Xiao Wei,Zhu Jing-Lin. Genetic potential analysis of six tilapia populations by microsatellite DNA markers[J]. Hereditas, 2011, 33(7): 768-775. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1005.2011.00768
Authors:Yang Hong  Li Da-Yu  Cao Xiang  Zou Zhi-Ying  Xiao Wei  Zhu Jing-Lin
Affiliation:YANG Hong1,LI Da-Yu1,CAO Xiang1,2,ZOU Zhi-Ying1,XIAO Wei1,ZHU Jing-Lin1 1.Key Laboratory of Genetic Breeding and Aquaculture Biology,Ministry of Agriculture,Freshwater Fisheries Research Center,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,Wuxi 214081,China,2.Wuxi Fisheries College,Nanjing Agricultural University
Abstract:Twenty five microsatellite loci were used to analyze two blue tilapia populations ["Xia'ao 1" (ZA), Guangxi population] and four nile tilapia populations [Egypt strain (ZN), 88 strain (XN), Guangxi population (GN), American strain (MN)]. A total of 7775 fragments ranging from 100 bp to 400 bp in length were obtained. Three to eight alleles were amplified in 25 loci and 143 alleles in all the six populations. The average number of alleles in each locus was 5.72. The average values of observed heterozygosity (Ho) ranged from 0.7253 to 0.8160, the average expected heterozygosity (He) ranged from 0.5146 to 0.6834, the average polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.4212 to 0.6105, and the number of average effective alleles (Ae) ranged from 2.20 to 3.23. The highest genetic similarity index was 0.9130 (between ZA and GA); and the lowest was 0.4352 (between ZA and ZN). The results showed that the four nile tilapia populations contained a high level of genetic potential, and the two blue tilapia populations were moderate.
Keywords:genetic potential  O.Aureus  O.niloticus  microsatellite  genetic diversity  
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