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Expression of hepatitis B virus surface antigen P31 gene in Escherichia coli
Authors:Y Fujisawa  Y Ito  S Ikeyama  M Kikuchi
Affiliation:Biotechnology Laboratories, Central Research Division, Takeda Chemical Industries Ltd. Yodogawa-ku, Osaka 532 Japan Tel. (06)301-1231
A hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) P31-coding DNA was constructed from a DNA fragment of the plasmid pHBr330 containing the entire hepatitis B virus (HBV) adr DNA and a chemically synthesized adaptor. The P31 gene was inserted into an expression vector, pTRP771, having an Escherichia coli tryptophan operon (trp) promoter to give a recombinant plasmid pTRP P31-R. The distance between the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence and the initiation codon of P31 gene was adjusted to 9 bp. The expression level of HBsAg by E. coli 294[pTRP P31-R] was significantly elevated, in contrast to that of HBsAg by E. coli 294[pTRP SS-6]. Western blotting analysis has shown that E. coli[pTRP P31-R] synthesizes a specific polypeptide P31 of about 31 kDal, which reacts with anti-HBsAg antibody. The binding studies with polyalbumins from various species have also suggested that HBsAg P31 specifically binds to polymerized human serum albumin.
Keywords:Recombinant DNA  pre-S  vaccine  polymerized human serum albumin receptor  plasmid  aa  amino acid(s)  Ap  ampicillin  bp  base pair(s)  ELISA  enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay  HBeAg  hepatitis B virus e antigen  HBsAg  hepatitis B virus surface antigen  HBV  hepatitis B virus  kb  1000 bp  PA  polyacrylamide  PBS  phosphate-buffered saline  PBS-T  PBS containing 0.5%, Tween 20  PBS-T-FCS  PBS-T containing 5%, fetal calf serum  PolIk  poly-HSA  polymerized human serum albumin  pre-S  pre-surface antigen  RIA  radioimmunoassay  S  surface antigen  SD  Shine-Dalgarno  SDS  sodium dodecyl sulfate  Te  tetracycline  []  indicates plasmid-carrier state
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