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Evidence for N feedback regulation of N2 fixation in Alnus glutinosa L.
Authors:Baker, Andrea   Hill, Graham F.   Parsons, Richard
Abstract:Treatments were applied to vary C and N availability in Alnusglutinosa L. and plant growth, nodule activity (including acetylenereduction) and amino acid composition of the xylem sap weremeasured. Removing the buds, a sink for N, caused a decreasein nodule activity. Flushing root systems daily with 100% O2destroyed nitrogenase activity and substantially decreased theamount of citrulline in the xylem sap. The amino acid compositionof xylem saps also altered according to the mode of N nutrition.In plants fed Formula, xylem sap composition was similar to N2-fixing plants, however, when plants were fedFormula, citrulline content increased. The assimilation and subsequent distribution of nitrate wasfollowed in an experiment in which labelled 15Formula was added to the base of plant pots. After 12 h7% of root N was from applied 15Formula and this increased to 75% at 7 d; substantial enrichment ofN from 15Formula also occurred in stems, buds and leaves. After 7 d, 3.5% of nodule N was from15Formula, consistent with some N being supplied by recycling of shoot N. Xylem saps were alsocollected and after 12 h, glutamate and aspartate were enrichedwith 15N to 53% and 37% increasing after 7 d to 80% and 49%,respectively. Citrulline content of the xylem sap increasedfrom 3 to 9 µmol cm–3 following addition of 15Formula and at 7 d 80% of the N in the citrullinehad been derived from 15N. It is hypothesized that the growthand activity of A. glutinosa root nodules is sensitive to theN status of the plant and that the level of citrulline (or otheramino acids) returning to the nodules may feed back to regulatenodule growth and activity. Key words: Alnus glutinosa, citrulline, nitrate, feedback mechanism, N2-fixation.
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