Abstract: | Horizontal gene transfer by natural genetic transformation in Acinetobacter sp. strain BD413 was investigated by using gfp carried by the autonomously replicating plasmid pGAR1 in a model monoculture biofilm. Biofilm age, DNA concentration, and biofilm mode of growth were evaluated to determine their effects on natural genetic transformation. The highest transfer frequencies were obtained in young and actively growing biofilms when high DNA concentrations were used and when the biofilm developed during continuous exposure to fresh medium without the presence of a significant amount of cells in the suspended fraction. Biofilms were highly amenable to natural transformation. They did not need to advance to an optimal growth phase which ensured the presence of optimally competent biofilm cells. An exposure time of only 15 min was adequate for transformation, and the addition of minute amounts of DNA (2.4 fg of pGAR1 per h) was enough to obtain detectable transfer frequencies. The transformability of biofilms lacking competent cells due to growth in the presence of cells in the bulk phase could be reestablished by starving the noncompetent biofilm prior to DNA exposure. Overall, the evidence suggests that biofilms offer no barrier against effective natural genetic transformation of Acinetobacter sp. strain BD413. |