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Effects of light, temperature, gibberellin (GA3) and their interaction on coleoptile and leaf elongation of tall, semi-dwarf and dwarf wheat
Authors:Moshe J. Pinthus  Moritz Abraham
Affiliation:(1) Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 76100 Rehovot, Israel
Abstract:Near-isogenic wheat lines differing in height-reducing (Rht) alleles, in each of two cultivars, were used to investigate the effects of light intensity and of their interaction with temperature and GA3 application, on the elongation of the coleoptile and the first seedling leaf. Darkness caused a conspicuous increase in the lengths of the coleoptile and of the sheath and lamina of the first leaf, in GA3 treated and untreated seedlings of all genotypes grown at 11 and 25°C. The genotype effects and the effects of light intensity and GA3 application on leaf length were ascribed entirely to their effects on the rate of leaf elongation since the duration of leaf elongation was not affected by these factors. Temperature elevation from 11 to 25°C caused a 55% shortening of the duration of leaf elongation and a concomitant increase in elongation rate, which diminished with increased genotypic dwarfness. Accordingly, temperature elevation resulted in a significant reduction in leaf-length of the light-grown dwarf genotypes and the dark-grown dwarf and semi-dwarf genotypes. It is suggested that this temperature × light × genotype interaction effect is due to environmental dependent upper limits of elongation rate set by the Rht alleles.Abbreviations PAR Photosynthetic Active Radiation
Keywords:gibberellin  leaf elongation  light intensity  Rht alleles  temperature  Triticum aestivum L.
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