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Secondary transport of amino acids by membrane vesicles derived from lactic acid bacteria
Authors:Driessen  Arnold J. M.
Affiliation:(1) Department of Microbiology, University of Groningen, Kerklaan 30, 9751 NN Haren, The Netherlands
Lactococci are fastidious bacteria which require an external source of amino acids and many other nutrients. These compounds have to pass the membrane. However, detailed analysis of transport processes in membrane vesicles has been hampered by the lack of a suitable protonmotive force (pmf)-generating system in these model systems. A membrane-fusion procedure has been developed by which pmf-generating systems can be functionally incorporated into the bacterial membrane. This improved model system has been used to analyze the properties of amino acid transport systems in lactococci. Detailed studies have been made of the specificity and kinetics of amino acid transport and also of the interaction of the transport systems with their lipid environment. The properties of a pmf-independent, arginine-catabolism specific transport system in lactococci will be discussed.Abbreviations pmf protonmotive force - Deltapsgr transmembrane electrical potential - DeltapH transmembrane pH gradient - PE phosphatidylethanolamine - PC phosphatidylcholinePaper adapted from a treatise ldquoSecondary Transport of Amino Acids by Membrane Vesicles Derived from Lactic Acid Bacteriardquo and awarded the Kluyver Prize 1988 by the Netherlands Society of Microbiology.
Keywords:amino acids  Lactococcus lactis  membrane fusion  phospholipids  protonmotive force  solute transport
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