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Camptothecin enhances random integration of transfected DNA into the genome of mammalian cells
Authors:Shcherbakova O G  Filatov M V
Affiliation:Molecular and Radiation Biophysics Division, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, 188350, Gatchina, Russia. olia@omrb.pnpi.spb.ru
In order to study the involvement of DNA topoisomerase I (top1) in recombination, we examined the effect of the anti-neoplastic drug camptothecin, which selectively poisons top1 by trapping top1-cleavable complexes on integration of exogenic vector into the genome of mammalian cells. We transfected mouse F9 teratocarcinoma cells as well as Chinese hamster V79 cells with a plasmid carrying a selectable neo gene treated with camptothecin, and determined the frequency of neo+ (G418(R)) colonies. We found that treatment with camptothecin for as short a time as 4 h after electroporation resulted in a 4- to 33-fold stimulation of plasmid integration into the recipient genome via non-homologous recombination. These results imply that top1-cleavable complexes trapped by camptothecin could be potentially recombinogenic structures and could stimulate non-homologous recombination in vivo, promoting the integration of transfected plasmids into mammalian genome.
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