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Vanadium in photosynthesis of Chlorella fusca and higher plants
Authors:Hans-Ulrich Meisch  Ludwig J.M. Becker
Affiliation:Fachbereich 15.2, Biochemie, Universität des Saarlandes, D-6600 Saarbrücken F.R.G.
Abstract:The influence of vanadium compounds (vanadate, vanadyl citrate) on photosynthesis in Chlorella fusca and in algal and spinach chloroplasts has been investigated. It was found that: 1. At moderately high concentrations (at least 0.1 mM) both vanadate and vanadyl citrate enhance photosynthetic O2 production in intact C. fusca cells. At lower V concentration (about 2 μM) only vanadate stimulates photosynthesis. The increase is dependent on culture conditions and on light intensity. 2. Up to 1 mM V, neither vanadium compound influences PS II activity, either in intact cells or in algal or spinach chloroplasts. 3. The PS I reaction in algal and spinach chloroplasts is maximally enhanced (3-fold) in presence of vanadium (20 μM). The increase is independent of light intensity. 4. Cr(VI), Mo(VI), and W(VI) (1 mM) stimulate photosynthesis in intact C. fusca cells, but do not influence the photosystems of isolated chloroplasts. Vanadium is suggested to act as a redox catalyst in the electron transport from PS II to PS I.
Keywords:Vanadium  Photosynthesis  Oxygen evolution  (Chlorella fusca, Spinach)  PS  photosystem  DCMU  3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea  DAD  DCIP  2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol  Tricine
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