Abstract: | The experiment was carried out on the lower jaw of mongrel dogs. It included 36 observations on the basis of the morphological method. The aim is to study the effectiveness of the effect of cold and the combination of the UHF radiation on the proliferative reaction of cells of the lower jaw. It was proved that under the influence of cold the skeletogenic tissue undergoes changes. The combination of cold with UHF radiation cause less destructive cold effects on the bone tissue away from the injury of resorption. Hence the effect of cold on the proliferating tissue causing its necrosis proves the possibility of its use in removal of tumours, substituting wide caving around them by more protective intervention: the combination of carving of tumour with the cryodestruction of tissue around it. In such a combination the reparative processes become more effective, which enables us to recommend them for clinical use for curing benign tumour. |