Abstract: | Hydrophobic protein (H protein) was isolated from membrane fractions of Bacillus subtilis and constituted into artificial membrane vesicles with lipid of B. substilis. Glutamate was accumulated into the vesicle when a Na+ gradient across the membrane was imposed. The maximum effect of Na+ on the transport was achieved at a concentration of about 40 mM, while the apparent Km for Na+ was approximately 8 mM. On the other hand, Km for glutamate in the presence of 50 mM Na+ was about 8 micro M. Increasing the concentration of Na+ resulted in a decrease in Km for glutamate, maximum velocity was not affected. The transport was sensitive to monensin (Na+ ionophore). Glutamate was also accumulated when pH gradient (interior alkaline) across the membrane was imposed or a membrane potential was induced with K+-diffusion potential. The pH gradient-driven glutamate transport was sensitive to carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone and the apparent Km for glutamate was approximately 25 microM. These results indicate that two kinds of glutamate transport system were present in H protein: one is Na+ dependent and the other is H+ dependent. |