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Functional properties of ficoll and their influence on anther culture responses of wheat
Authors:Huaping Zhou  Shane T. Ball  Calvin F. Konzak
Affiliation:(1) Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, College of Agriculture and Home Economics Research Center, Washington State University, 99164-6420 Pullman, WA, USA
Abstract:The effects of ficoll in liquid culture media have been contradictory in previous reports. The objective of this study was to determine the functional properties of ficoll in potato 4 (P4) liquid induction medium and their influence on anther culture responses of wheat. Ficoll addition significantly (ple0.01) reduced callus production from the anthers of spring wheat cv. Pavon 76. The reduction was directly related to the concentration of ficoll added within the range of 50 to 200 g l-1 medium. Although the addition of ficoll significantly (ple0.01) increased the percentage of regenerable calli and the ratio of green vs. albino plants, the final yield of green plants per 100 anthers was significantly lower. Consistent results also were obtained with four other spring wheat genotypes (Chris, Butte 86, WA 6916, and Edwall). Ficoll concentration affected the density, viscosity, and osmolality of the liquid media. The higher medium density caused by ficoll addition increased the percentage of floating calli, as well as the percentage of regenerable calli and the ratio of green vs. albino plants. However, the increased medium viscosity by ficoll addition significantly (ple0.01) reduced callus production. Ficoll addition also increased medium osmolality, which affected callus production by interacting with the sugar concentration of the induction media. Using response functions, the estimated maltose concentration for maximum callus production was 105 g l-1 for the standard P4 media, compared with 68 g l-1 for the ficoll-containing P4 media. These results clearly demonstrate that ficoll addition to the liquid P4 induction medium containing high sucrose concentration (90 g l-1) is deleterious to the maximum production of green plants from wheat anther culture.
Keywords:anther culture  ficoll  liquid medium  wheat
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