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Molecular phylogeny of mangrove oysters (Crassostrea) from Brazil
Authors:Varela, Eduardo Sousa   Beasley, Colin Robert   Schneider, Horacio   Sampaio, Iracilda   Marques-Silva, Nelane Do Socorro   Tagliaro, Claudia Helena
Affiliation:1Laboratório de Conservação e Biologia Evolutiva, Campus de Bragança, Universidade Federal do Pará, Alameda Leandro Ribeiro s/n, Brangança, Pará, Brazil, CEP 68600-000; 2Laboratório de Moluscos, Campus de Bragança, Universidade Federal do Pará, Alameda Leandro Ribeiro s/n, Brangança, Pará, Brazil, CEP 68600-000; and 3Laboratório de Genética e Biologia Molecular, Campus de Bragança, Universidade Federal do Pará, Alameda Leandro Ribeiro s/n, Brangança, Pará, Brazil, CEP 68600-000
Abstract:As a result of phenotypic plasticity, the cupped oysters (Crassostrea)are difficult to identify by means of their morphology. However,molecular DNA markers are a useful means of discriminating amongthese species. Cupped oysters are one of the most widely culturedmarine invertebrates and correct species identification is importantin aquaculture. Moreover, the molecular phylogeny of the genusCrassostrea and the subfamily Crassostreinae is still not clear.In order to identify the Brazilian cupped oysters and to clarifythe phylogenetic relationships of these species, we sequenceda fragment of mitochondrial DNA (16S rRNA gene) from 120 specimenscollected at nine different sites distributed along the Braziliancoast. The results identified two native species of oyster:Crassostrea gasar, from the Amazon to the Parnaíba delta;and Crassostrea rhizophorae, from the northeast (Fortim) tothe south of Brazil. An exotic Crassostrea species, closelyrelated to Indo-Pacific Crassostrea, was found in one locationin the north of Brazil. Crassostrea showed monophyly and theAtlantic oysters are clearly separated from the Indo-Pacificcluster. (Received 30 May 2006; accepted 12 April 2007)
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