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引用本文:杨晓贺,丁俊杰,顾鑫,申宏波,张瑜,吕国忠. 我国部分地区蔬菜镰孢菌的分离及鉴定[J]. 菌物研究, 2011, 9(2): 88-96
作者姓名:杨晓贺  丁俊杰  顾鑫  申宏波  张瑜  吕国忠
作者单位:1. 黑龙江省农业科学院佳木斯分院/农业部佳木斯作物有害生物科学观测实验站,佳木斯,154007
2. 黑龙江省农业职业技术学院,佳木斯,154007
3. 大连民族学院环境与资源学院,大连,116600
摘    要:对采自我国6省18市(县)的蔬菜根茎样本进行了组织分离和形态学鉴定,共鉴定出镰孢菌10个种.其中尖镰孢(Fusarium oxysporum)为优势茵,占镰孢菌总量的73.42%,其他种类的镰孢菌为锐顶镰孢(F.acuminatum)、弯角镰孢(F.camptoceras)、蓝色镰孢(F.coeruleunm)、木贼镰...

关 键 词:蔬菜  真菌  分类  镰孢菌

Isolation and Identification of Fusarium of Vegetables from Some Parts of China
YANG Xiao-he,DING Jun-jie,GU Xin,SHEN Hong-bo,ZHANG Yu,L Guo-zhong. Isolation and Identification of Fusarium of Vegetables from Some Parts of China[J]. Journal of Fungal Research, 2011, 9(2): 88-96
Authors:YANG Xiao-he  DING Jun-jie  GU Xin  SHEN Hong-bo  ZHANG Yu  L Guo-zhong
Affiliation:YANG Xiao-he,DING Jun-jie,GU Xin,SHEN Hong-bo,ZHANG Yu,L(U) Guo-zhong
Abstract:The samples of roots and stems of vegetable plants in 18 cities of 6 provinces in China were collected.Based on the morphological characteristics,10 species were identified by means of tissue isolating technique,namely F.acuminatum,F.camptoceras,F.coeruleum,F.equiseti,F.lateritium,F.oxysporum,F.redolens,F.semitectum,F.solani,F.verticillioides.The predominant species was F.oxysporum which accounted for 73.42% of the total Fusarium.The test shows the Fusarium species and the predominant species from roots and...
Keywords:vegetable  fungus  classification  Fusarium  
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