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Comparative genomics reveals differences in algal galactan biosynthesis and related pathways in early and late diverging red algae
Abstract:Red algae are a major source of marine sulfated galactans. In this study, orthologs and inparalogs from seven red algae were analyzed and compared with the aim to discover differences in algal galactan biosynthesis and related pathways of these algae. Red algal orthologs for putative carbohydrate sulfotransferases were found to be prevalent in Porphyridium purpureum, Florideophytes and Bangiophytes, while red algal orthologs for putative chondroitin sulfate synthases, sulfurylases, and porphyranases /carrageenases were found exclusively in Florideophytes and Bangiophytes. The acquirement of these genes could have happened after the divergence from Cyanidiales red algae. Cyanidiales red algae were found to have more number and types of putative sulfate permeases, suggesting that these genes could have been acquired in adaptation to the environmental stresses and biogeochemistry of respective habitats. The findings of this study shed lights on the evolution of different homeostasis mechanisms by the early and late diverging red algal orders.
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