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Some aspects of osmotic and ionic regulation in Adriatic sturgeon Acipenser naccarii. I: Ontogenesis of salinity tolerance
Authors:E. Cataldi  C. Barzaghi  P. Di  Marco   C. Boglione  L. Dini  D.J. McKenzie  P. Bronzi  S. Cataudella
Affiliation:Lab di Ecologia Sperimentale e Acquacoltura, Dip.di Biologia, Univ. di Roma Tor Vergata;ENEL-SRI, CRAM Cologno Monzese (MI);Department of Biology, University of Lecce, Lecce, Italy
The salinity tolerance of various early life stages (prelarvae, larvae and fry) of the Adriatic sturgeon ( Acipenser naccarii ) was investigated using acute exposures in a 96h-LC50 test. The results were compared with a series of parallel observations on the morphological development of the osmoregulatory organs. The highest salinities tolerated by prelarave and larvae were approximately iso-osmotic with sturgeon plasma. Once, however, the organs involved in homeostatic osmoregulatory mechanisms in the adult had developed (renal-branchial-gut system), the sturgeon was able to switch from hyper-osmoregulation to hypo-osmoregulation. Nevertheless, at the most advanced age tested (150 days old), water at a salinity of approximately 20% appeared to be the upper threshold for tolerance of acute exposure by this species.
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