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Computer-assisted re-design of spectrin SH3 residue clusters
Authors:Angrand I  Serrano L  Lacroix E
Affiliation:European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Meyerhofstrasse 1, D-69117, Heidelberg, Germany.
We have developed a protein design computer program, called Perla, which performs searches in sequence space to uncover optimal amino acid sequences for desired protein three-dimensional structures. Optimal sequences are localised at the minima of a sequence-structure energy landscape defined using a complex scoring function (an all-atom molecular mechanics force field plus statistical terms including entropy and solvation) measured with respect to a reference state simulating a denatured protein. Sequence choices eventually optimise side chain packing, secondary structure propensities, and hydrogen bonding and electrostatics interactions. Perla was used to re-design clusters of residues of the SH3 domain of alpha-spectrin. Several mutant proteins were produced and characterised. Some of our designed proteins have significantly higher stabilities (stability enhancements about 0.25, 0.70 and 1.0 kcal mol(-1)) than the wild-type protein. These successful protein re-designs, and similar examples found in the literature, establish the quality of the structure-based computational approach to protein design.
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