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Interspecific mate choice by late-courting male western grebes
Authors:Nuechterlein, Gary L.   Buitron, Deborah
Affiliation:Department of Zoology, Stevens Hall, North Dakota State University Fargo, ND 58105-5517, USA
Abstract:In mixed populations of western and Clark's grebes, advertisingcalls by males and females play a critical role in mate choiceand reproductive isolation. We conducted field playback experimentsthat tested whether courting western grebe males became lesschoosy in their responses to female Clark's grebe calls as themating season progressed and mating opportunities diminished.Late-courting western grebe males were much more likely to answerand approach advertising calls of Dark's grebe females thanwere males courting earlier in the season. This change in responsivenessoccurred as the operational sex ratio index of the populationapproached 3:1 male calls per female call. These and field censusdata support the hypothesis that late-season hybridization betweenthese two closely related species may be a result not of speciesmisidentification, but of active and adaptive mate choice byindividuals with limited alternatives.
Keywords:Aechmophorus   grebes   hybridization   mate choice   operational sex ratio.
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