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Structural and bioindicative aspects of fluctuated asymmetry of bilateral organisms
Authors:Gelashvili D B  Cheprunov E V  Iudin D I
Abstract:We have proposed and validated a method for quantitative assessment of phenotypic diversity of natural populations. Method is based on the fluctuated asymmetry (FA) indices of bilateral organisms, and it is applicable for biondicative investigations. Convolution of functions was proposed to estimate the mean (population) value of FA complex of features. This function could be written as finit sum [formula: see text] where eta is power of sample invariance (symmetry) for m individuals (i = 1, m). Eta is characterized by n asymmetric characteristics (j = 1, n) for the left (L) and the right (R) sides of the body. We have validated applicability of generalized function of desirability [formula: see text] (where di is partial desirability function [0,1]) for cumulative characterization of environment quality with results of bioindicative investigations. The value of function coincides with the value of symmetry of indicating species in this case.
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