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Promotion of Flowering by DNA Base Analogues and Changes in Acid Phosphatase and Peroxidase Isozyme Composition in Dark-Grown Arabidopsis thaliana
Authors:Got?, Nobuharu   Hamada, Masahiko
Affiliation:Department of Biology, Miyagi College of Education Aoba-Yama, Sendai 980, Japan
Abstract:A DNA base analogue, 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR), promoted floweringof Arabidopsis thaliana in short and long photoperiods and evenin total darkness. The promotive effect of BUdR was nullifiedby thymidine which had a weak inhibitory effect by itself. AnotherDNA base analogue, 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FUdR), inhibited theflowering at a low concentration (10–8 M), but markedlyenhanced the promotive effect of BUdR if they were present togetherin the culture medium. In the flower-promoting medium containing both BUdR and FUdR,the number of acid phosphatase isozymes decreased temporarily,followed by an increase to the control level with a prolongedculture period. The number of peroxidase isozymes was greaterin plants grown in the medium with BUdR or BUdR $ FUdR thanin those without them. (Received October 22, 1987; Accepted March 25, 1988)
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