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Changes in soil organic matter with cropping as measured by organic carbon fractions and 13C natural isotope abundance
Authors:Lefroy  Rod D. B.  Blair  Graeme J.  Strong  Wayne M.
Affiliation:(1) Department of Agronomy and Soil Science, University of New England, 2351 Armidale, N.S.W.;(2) Queensland Wheat Research Institute, P.O. Box 2282, 4350 Toowoomba, Qld.
Abstract:The decline in soil organic matter with cropping is a major factor affecting the sustainability of cropping systems. Changes in total C levels are relativelyinsensitive as a sustainability measure. Oxidation with different strength KMnO4 has been shown to be a more sensitive indicator of change. The relative size of soil C fractions oxidised by 333 mM KMnO4 declined with cropping, whilst the relative size of the unoxidised fraction increased. Changes in delta13C ratio have been used to measure C turnover in systems which include C3 and C4 species.
Keywords:carbon-13  cropping systems    /content/j5869006127420q3/xxlarge948.gif"   alt="  delta"   align="  BASELINE"   BORDER="  0"  >13C  KMnO4 oxidation  soil organic matter
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