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Formation of interzonal interaction of cortical fields during verbal-mental activity
Authors:A. N. Shepoval’nikov  M. N. Tsitseroshin
Affiliation:(1) Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia;(2) Raul Wallenberg Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of International University of Family and Child, St. Petersburg, Russia
Verbal activity as the higher psychic brain function is performed as a result of systemic interactions of many cerebral structures and processes at various levels of organization. It is shown in this work that based on analysis of spatial-temporal relations of EEG waves during performance by adult examinees of such verbal-mnestic tasks as mental count, listening of a rhyme and its recalling, tests for verbal fluency, and search for homonyms there is revealed an enhancement of ldquodiagonalrdquo connections between activities of posterior parts of the left hemisphere cortex and anterior parts of the right hemisphere cortex. During performance by the examinees of recognition of grammatical or semantic errors in sentences the interhemispheric interactions on the whole are also enhanced statistically significantly, but without domination of diagonal interactions. These data show that during performance by examinees of verbal tasks of analytical character there also are simultaneously actualized intercentral interactions related to the functional system responsible for recognition not only of verbal, but also of any other stimuli. In children with motor alalia and dysarthria, disturbances of distant EEG connections were revealed either in the left or in the right hemisphere with a simultaneous enhancement of ipsilateral interactions in symmetrical parts of the contralateral hemisphere. A special attention is paid to significance of the degree of formation of neurophysiological systems of the general cerebral integration for realization of the verbal function.Translated from Zhurnal Evolyutsionnoi Biokhimii i Fiziologii, Vol. 40, No. 5, 2004, pp. 411–422.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Shepovalrsquonikov, Tsitseroshin.To the 100-Anniversary of N. N. Traugott
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