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环境丰容对笼养葵花凤头鹦鹉(Cacatua galerita)行为的影响
引用本文:马珺,傅建义,刘群秀,方歇飞,姚佳,宋丽颖,王爱善. 环境丰容对笼养葵花凤头鹦鹉(Cacatua galerita)行为的影响[J]. 生物学杂志, 2011, 28(3): 26-29,79. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2011.03.026
作者姓名:马珺  傅建义  刘群秀  方歇飞  姚佳  宋丽颖  王爱善
摘    要:2009年7月-8月对上海动物园3只葵花凤头鹦鹉进行展区环境丰容试验,包括悬挂玩具、制作道具及增加取食难度等,采用瞬时扫描法记录并分析丰容前后葵花凤头鹦鹉的行为节律及对环境空间的利用特征.研究结果表明:葵花凤头鹦鹉的警戒、休息和走动行为在不同个体间存在显著差异(Kruskal Wallis test,P<0.01);环境丰容对葵花凤头鹗鹉的日常行为在时间分配和空间分布上均存在显著影响(Goodness of Fit test,P<0.05).主要表现为休息行为减少,活动增加;丰容区域利用增多,非丰容区域利用减少.环境丰容有利于减少动物的刻板行为、增加行为多样性,提高动物福利,同时应基于不同个体的特征和习性,有针对性的开展相应的丰容措施.

关 键 词:环境丰容  行为  葵花凤头鹦鹉

Influence of environment enrichment on the behavior of sulfur-crested cockatoos in captivity
MA Jun,FU Jian-yi,LIU Qun-xiu,FANG Xie-fei,YAO Jia,SONG Li-ying,WANG Ai-shan. Influence of environment enrichment on the behavior of sulfur-crested cockatoos in captivity[J]. Journal of Biology, 2011, 28(3): 26-29,79. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2011.03.026
Authors:MA Jun  FU Jian-yi  LIU Qun-xiu  FANG Xie-fei  YAO Jia  SONG Li-ying  WANG Ai-shan
Affiliation:(Shanghai Zoo, Shanghai 200335, China)
Abstract:The behavior characteristics of three captive Sulfur-Crested Cockatoos of Shanghai Zoo were documented from July to August,2009.The enrichment experiments included hanging the toy,manufacturing the stage prop and increasing food taken difficulty and so on.Instantaneous sampling method was used to record the behavior of 3 cockatoos.The behavior rhythm and spatial utilization characteristics of the sulfur-crested cockatoos were analyzed to determine the influence of environment enrichment methods.The results ...
Keywords:environment enrichment  behavior  Cacatua galerita  
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