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On Dark-Germination and Antheridium Formation in Anemia phyllitidis
Authors:Ulrich,Nä  f
Affiliation:Laboratory of Plant Morphogenesis, Manhattan College, Bronx, New York
Abstract:Schraudolf's finding is confirmed that gibberellic acid induces antheridia in Anemia phyllitidis and Lygodium japonicum. The activity spectra of gibberellic acid and the native antheridiogen of Anemia phyllitidis are similar: Both induce antheridia in the tested species of the family Schizaeaceae but are inactive towards the tested representatives of other fern families. However, the native antheridiogens of two schizaeaceous species are more species-specific in their action than is gibberellic acid. Anemia medium cancels the light requirement for spore germination as is the case with gibberellic acid. Chromatographic studies indicate that the dark-germination-inducing factor is identical with, or very similar to, the earlier demonstrated antheridiogen. The specificities of the active factors towards dark-germination in A. phyllitidis and L. japonicum are similar to those encountered with antheridium formation. Anemia medium induces dark-germination and induces antheridia on the dark-grown protonemata to a concentration ca. 30 times lower than it induces antheridia on light-grown prothalli. The studies indicate that this differential activity results from a differential competence of the prothalli to react to the active substance in light and darkness.
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