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Molecular cloning of the porcine inhibin-betaB gene and reassignment to chromosome 15
Authors:Nonneman D  Rohrer G A
Affiliation:U.S. Department of Agriculture, ARS, U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Spur 18D, PO Box 166, Clay Center, NE 68933-0166, USA. nonneman@email.marc.usda.gov
Abstract:Inhibins are gonadal glycoproteins belonging to the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily that act to suppress pituitary follicle stimulating hormone and are composed of a common alpha-subunit linked by disulphide bonds to either a betaA- or betaB-subunit. The porcine inhibin-alpha, -betaA (INHBA) and -betaB (INHBB) subunit genes have previously been mapped to chromosomes 15, 18 and 12, respectively. Over 6.7 kb of the INHBB gene was sequenced from a porcine genomic cosmid clone and found to contain two microsatellites, one in intron 1 and the other in the 3'-untranslated region. Both microsatellites mapped to pig chromosome 15 at relative position 48 cm. This sequence was greater than 99% identical to two previously reported partial non-contiguous cDNAs for porcine INHBB. Non-coding regions also had a high degree (79-88%) of identity with the corresponding regions of the human gene. Based on sequence information and mapping of two novel microsatellite markers, we reassigned porcine INHBB to chromosome 15, which is consistent with comparative physical and linkage maps of this chromosome and human chromosome 2.
Keywords:chromosome 15    comparative map    inhibin-βB    microsatellite    porcine
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