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Differences in Endogenous Levels of Gibberellin Activity in Male and Female Partners of Two Dioecious Tree Species
Affiliation:Department of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University Ramat-Gan, Israel
Abstract:It was found that in two dioecious species, the carob (Ceratoniasiliqua) and the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) growing intheir natural Mediterrancan habitat, the female partner invariablymanifested higher endogenous GN-like activity. While this trendwas consistent, marked seasonal fluctuations in both free andglycosidic bound-GN were observedhigher levels being associatedwith essentially vegetative spring growth and the converse associatedwith anthesis. It is postulated that while a clear correlationexists between female growth and high GN activity in these species,the switch from vegetative to generative growth in both themale and female may be associated with a lower relative proportionof endogenous GN in a specific multi-hormonal complex presumablyrequired for flower induction.
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