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Chromosomal localization of aromatic alcohol dehydrogenase fast-migrating isoenzyme Aadh1F (CAD1-F) gene in Triticum aestivum L. bread wheat
Authors:A. A. Konovalov  I. K. Shundrina  E. V. Karpova  N. P. Goncharov  E. Ya. Kondratenko
Differences in isoenzyme pattern of aromatic alcohol dehydrogenase, NADP-AADH or CAD, were found in the Triticum aestivum L. winter bread wheat cultivars by the method of electrophoresis in the starch gel. A standard three-component spectrum is present in the cv. Zitnica (former Yugoslavia); additional fact-migrating isoenzymes appear in the cv. Novosibirskaya 9 (Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia). The presence of fast-migrating CAD isoenzymes is designated as FF phenotype; their absence, as 00 phenotype. Hybridological analysis was carried out; the excess of “null” genotypes was found in F2 progenies. Hybridization with nulli-tetrasomic lines of the chromosomes of the fifth homeologous group was conducted for the gene localization. The segregation analysis demonstrated the most probable localization of the CAD1-F gene in the chromosome 5A. The plants with FF and 00 genotypes differed in a number of chemical and anatomical traits, as well as in grain productivity. The results obtained are discussed in connection with the function of this enzyme in the wheat plant tissues.
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