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引用本文:曲宁,邓爱华,孙亮先,徐金森,吴学记. 生物行为变化研究的新模式——工蜂[J]. 昆虫知识, 2007, 44(1): 9-13
作者姓名:曲宁  邓爱华  孙亮先  徐金森  吴学记
作者单位:1. 厦门大学--新加坡国立大学共建生物医学科学实验室,厦门大学生命科学学院,厦门大学医学院,361005
2. 泉州师范学院模式生物实验室,泉州师范学院,362000
摘    要:蜜蜂群体由1只蜂王、几百只雄蜂和数千只工蜂组成,工蜂数量巨大,除蜂王和雄蜂共同完成生殖任务,巢内外活动均由工蜂完成,其行为呈现多样性。工蜂发育经过卵、幼虫、蛹、成虫4个阶段,其活动范围由温度、湿度相对稳定的巢内环境发展到复杂的巢外自然环境。随发育阶段和生活环境的变化,工蜂的生理、行为等方面也发生相应变化,这种变化为综合研究生物行为的分子机理提供了可能。又因工蜂数量多、体积较大易于观察、标记、饲养管理简单,而且目前对其形态、发育、生理、分子生物学、神经、社会生态等各方面的研究比较充分,所以工蜂成为研究生物体行为变化、发育机理和个体与群体关系的理想模式生物。该文介绍工蜂活动由巢内发展到巢外时出现的一系列变化以及部分变化的机制,主要包括行为的变化、激素的分泌、代谢活动、飞行能力、神经系统等。

关 键 词:工蜂  行为转变  模式

Honey bee workers are a model system to study organism behavioral changes
QU Ning,DENG Ai-Hua,SUN Liang-Xian,XU Jin-Sen,WU Xue-Ji. Honey bee workers are a model system to study organism behavioral changes[J]. Entomological Knowledge, 2007, 44(1): 9-13
Authors:QU Ning  DENG Ai-Hua  SUN Liang-Xian  XU Jin-Sen  WU Xue-Ji
Affiliation:1. Xiamen University-National University of Singapore Laboratory of Biomedical Sciences, School of Life Sciences, Medical College, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China; 2. Model Organism Research Centre of Quanzhou Normal College, Quanzhou 362000, China
Abstract:There are four stages in the development of honey bees, including egg, larva, pupa and adult. As honey bee workers switch from in-hive tasks to foraging, they undergo transition from constant exposure to the controlled homogenous physical and sensory environment of the hive to prolonged diurnal exposures to a far more heterogeneous environment outside the hive. The switch offers an opportunity for the integrative study of the physiological and genetic mechanisms that induce changes of the behavior. In addition, the studies of evolution, development, physiology, molecular biology, neurobiology and behaviors of such a transition in honey bee make it to be a model system. In this article we summed up what happened when such a switch occurred, including behavior change, hormone activity, metabolism, flight ability, neural system and so on.
Keywords:honey bees workers   behavioral change   model  
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