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引用本文:李万隆 李振声. 小偃6号小麦旗叶直立基因的染色体定位[J]. 遗传学报, 1992, 19(1): 71-75
作者姓名:李万隆 李振声
作者单位:中国科学院西北植物研究所,中国科学院西北植物研究所,中国科学院西北植物研究所 陕西杨陵 712100,陕西杨陵 712100,陕西杨陵 712100
摘    要:本文首次对小麦旗叶姿态进行了比较系统的细胞遗传学研究。单体、端体的F_1及F_2分析表明:中国春2D染色体上至少有两个旗叶下披基因,即位于2DL上的P_1和2DS上的P_2,前者表达能力很强,后者则较弱,与小偃6号旗叶直立基因共存时分别表现为显性和隐性;小偃6号的旗叶直立基因E也位于2D染色体上,同(P_1+P_2)共存时表现为隐性,仅与P_2共存时则表现为显性。文章还就这些基因的染色体操作等进行了讨论。

关 键 词:旗叶 基因定位 小麦

Chromosomal Location of Genes for Erect Flag Leaves of Common Wheat Variety Xiaoyan No. 6
Li Wanlong Li Zhensheng Mu Sumei. Chromosomal Location of Genes for Erect Flag Leaves of Common Wheat Variety Xiaoyan No. 6[J]. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 1992, 19(1): 71-75
Authors:Li Wanlong Li Zhensheng Mu Sumei
Abstract:This is the first report of cytogenetic study of flag leaf position in common wheat, Triti-cum aestivum L. F1 and F2 analyses by monosomics and telocentrics indicated that 2D chromosome of Chinese Spring carried at least two genes for pendulous flag leaves, ie. P1 on 2DL and P3 on 2DS; gene (s) E for erect flag leaves on the same chromosome of Xiaoyan No. 6. Gene P1 expressed fully, and P2 partially. Relativizing gene E, P1 and P2 were dominant and recessive respectively, and vice versa. The chromosome manipulation of these genes was also discussed.
Keywords:Triticum acstivum L.   Flag leaf   Gene location  
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