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引用本文:葛亚东,蒲有光,彭巧玲,张际峰,聂刘旺,唐鑫生,许竞成. 大头蛙4个Dmrt基因DM保守区的序列分析[J]. 激光生物学报, 2006, 15(6): 628-632
作者姓名:葛亚东  蒲有光  彭巧玲  张际峰  聂刘旺  唐鑫生  许竞成
摘    要:Dm rt基因家族是新近发现的一个与性别决定相关的基因家族。该家族成员编码的蛋白质都含有一个具有DNA结合能力的保守基序?DM结构域,在性别决定和分化发育的调控中担负重要的功能。采用简并PCR技术扩增了大头蛙Dm rt基因的DM结构域,经序列分析,获得了Dm rt基因家族的4个成员LfDm rt1a,LfDm-rt1b,LfDm rt3,LfDm rt5。与其它动物相关的Dm rt基因进行氨基酸序列聚类分析,结果表明,不同进化地位动物的Dm rt基因DM域编码序列存在高度的同源性,显示Dm rt基因在系统进化上高度保守,序列上的相似性可能暗示它们在功能上的保守性。

关 键 词:大头蛙  DM结构域  Dmrt基因  简并PCR

Sequence Analysis of Four Dmrt Genes DM Domain in Limnonectes fujianensis
GE Ya-dong,PU You-guang,PENG Qiao-ling,ZHANG Ji-feng,NIE Liu-wang,TANG Xin-sheng,XU Jing-cheng. Sequence Analysis of Four Dmrt Genes DM Domain in Limnonectes fujianensis[J]. ACTA Laser Biology Sinica, 2006, 15(6): 628-632
Authors:GE Ya-dong  PU You-guang  PENG Qiao-ling  ZHANG Ji-feng  NIE Liu-wang  TANG Xin-sheng  XU Jing-cheng
Abstract:The Dmrt genes constitute a new gene family related to sex-determination like the doublesex gene of Drosophila and the Mab-3 gene of Caenorhabditis elegents.They regulate similar aspects of sexual development.Human doublesex-related gene DMRT1 has been identified,which also contains the conserved DM-related DNA-binding domain and plays an essential role in gonadal differentiation.And the Dmrt genes have been discovered in a wide range of animal species,such as fish,reptiles,birds and mammals.In this paper,degenerate PCR was used to amplify the conserved DM domains of Dmrt genes in Limnonectes fujianensis.The PCR products were approximately 140 bp.After DNA cloning and sequencing analysis,four different DM sequences were identified and named as LfDmrt1a,LfDmrt1b,LfDmrt3 and LfDmrt5,according to its name Limnonectes fujianensis.The amino acid sequences encoded by Dmrt genes from different species showed a high degree of sequence homology, as revealed in phylogenic tree constructed.The results further indicated that Dmrt genes were highly conservative in phylogeny and the strong evolutionary conservation of this gene family may of importance in developmental process.
Keywords:Limnonectes fujianensis  DM domain  Dmrt gene  degenerate PCR
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