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水稻花器官突变体apl(abnormal palea and Iodicules)的表型分析与基因初定位
引用本文:王环环,蔡强,陈明姣,罗治靖,张大兵,袁政. 水稻花器官突变体apl(abnormal palea and Iodicules)的表型分析与基因初定位[J]. 植物学通报, 2014, 0(1): 1-7
作者姓名:王环环  蔡强  陈明姣  罗治靖  张大兵  袁政
摘    要:水稻(Oryzasafiva)是重要的粮食作物,其花器官的正常起始及形态建成直接影响水稻的产量。为了深入分析水稻小花发育的调控机理,从已构建的水稻EMS诱变突变体库中筛选获得了一个花器官异常发育的突变体apl(abnormal palea and Iodicules)。与野生型相比,apl变体小花的内稃膨大,浆片伸长或转换成稃状结构,雄蕊数目减少,表明APL基因可能参与调控水稻内稃、浆片和雄蕊等多轮花器官属性的建成。遗传学分析表明,该突变体性状受1个隐性单基因控制。通过图位克隆,将APL基因初步定位于1号染色体上。该工作为深入研究APL基因在水稻花器官形态建成中的作用机制奠定了基础。

关 键 词:apl  花器官  基因定位  水稻

Phenotype Analyses and Gene Mapping of abnormal palea and Iodicules,a Rice Mutant with Abnormal Floral Organs
Huanhuan Wang,Qiang Cai,Mingjiao Chen,Zhijing Luo,Dabing Zhang,Zheng Yuan. Phenotype Analyses and Gene Mapping of abnormal palea and Iodicules,a Rice Mutant with Abnormal Floral Organs[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2014, 0(1): 1-7
Authors:Huanhuan Wang  Qiang Cai  Mingjiao Chen  Zhijing Luo  Dabing Zhang  Zheng Yuan
Affiliation:( School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China)
Abstract:Rice is an important food crop, and the initiation and morphogenesis of flower organs directly affects the grain yield. To uncover the mechanism controlling rice flower development, we isolated the mutant abnormal Dalea and I.odi- cules (apl) showing abnormal flower organs. Compared to the wild-type flower, the apl flower showed defective devel- opment, including enlarged palea, transition of Iodicule into elongated or glume-like structures, and decreased number of stamens, which suggests that APL plays a key role in specifying flower organ identity, including palea, Iodicule and sta- men. Genetic analysis indicated that apl was caused by a single recessive locus, and gene mapping analysis showed that APL was localized on chromosome 1. This study provides a basis for future functional analysis of APL in rice flower organ morphogenesis.
Keywords:apl   flower organ   gene mapping   rice
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