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引用本文:黄蓓,王广策,庄永龙. 藻红蛋白亚基光敏剂对小鼠移植瘤作用的超微结构研究[J]. 激光生物学报, 2003, 12(3): 229-233
作者姓名:黄蓓  王广策  庄永龙
摘    要:目的:从形态学角度探讨藻红蛋白(R-PE)β亚基光动力学抗肿瘤效果及其作用机理。方法:用不同密度的波长为496nm的氩离子激光对S180小鼠移植瘤进行β亚基光动力学治疗,并对治疗后的瘤体进行透射电镜的形态学观察。结果:用100μg/m1的β亚基,在200J/cm2激光照射剂量条件下治愈了瘤体直径为0.5cm-0.7cm大小的小鼠移植瘤,发现瘤组织中引起细胞死亡的途经有差异,被PDT抑制的肿瘤内部细胞表现出典型的凋亡细胞特征。结论:R-PE β亚基具较强的光动力学抗肿瘤效果,光动力治疗机理可能涉及肿瘤内部细胞死亡主要是凋亡途径而瘤周为坏死,且与血管系统破坏及白细胞参与的抗炎症反应相关。

关 键 词:藻红蛋白亚基  光动力学疗法  细胞凋亡  电镜观察

Utrastructural Studies on the Effects of R-phycoerythrin Subunit as Photosensitizer on Mouse Cancer Treatment
Abstract:Objective:To study the effects and mechanisms of photodynamic therapy (PDT) of R phycoerythrin (R PE) β subunit on mouse cancer treatment. Methods: The S180 tumor bearing mice were firstly treated with 100μg/ml β subunit, irradiated with different dose of Argon laser, then the tumor cells inhibited by PDT were morphological observed with TEM. Result: The PDT effect of β subunit related to irradiation dose of laser and the volume of tumor, the complete remission dose of irradiation is 200 J/cm2. It was clearly seen by TEM that there was different PDT effects between outside and inside tissue, cell apoptosis is a typical property in inside tumor tissue.Conclusion: PDT using R PE β subunit is a promising treatment for S180 tumor cell in vivo. Tumor death is a combined result of direct cell killing, injured tumor blood vessels, anti inflammation reaction of leucocyte and inducing of cell programmed death in nuclei.
Keywords:R-PE β subunit   PDT cell apoptosis   TEM
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