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The ingi and RIME non-LTR retrotransposons are not randomly distributed in the genome of Trypanosoma brucei
Authors:Bringaud Frédéric  Biteau Nicolas  Zuiderwijk Eduard  Berriman Matthew  El-Sayed Najib M  Ghedin Elodie  Melville Sara E  Hall Neil  Baltz Théo
Affiliation:Laboratoire de Génomique Fonctionnelle des Trypanosomatides, UMR-5162 CNRS, Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux II, Bordeaux, France. bringaud@u-bordeaux2.fr
The ingi (long and autonomous) and RIME (short and nonautonomous) non--long-terminal repeat retrotransposons are the most abundant mobile elements characterized to date in the genome of the African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei. These retrotransposons were thought to be randomly distributed, but a detailed and comprehensive analysis of their genomic distribution had not been performed until now. To address this question, we analyzed the ingi/RIME sequences and flanking sequences from the ongoing T. brucei genome sequencing project (TREU927/4 strain). Among the 81 ingi/RIME elements analyzed, 60% are complete, and 7% of the ingi elements (approximately 15 copies per haploid genome) appear to encode for their own transposition. The size of the direct repeat flanking the ingi/RIME retrotransposons is conserved (i.e., 12-bp), and a strong 11-bp consensus pattern precedes the 5'-direct repeat. The presence of a consensus pattern upstream of the retroelements was confirmed by the analysis of the base occurrence in 294 GSS containing 5'-adjacent ingi/RIME sequences. The conserved sequence is present upstream of ingis and RIMEs, suggesting that ingi-encoded enzymatic activities are used for retrotransposition of RIMEs, which are short nonautonomous retroelements. In conclusion, the ingi and RIME retroelements are not randomly distributed in the genome of T. brucei and are preceded by a conserved sequence, which may be the recognition site of the ingi-encoded endonuclease.
Keywords:ingi    insertion site specificity    non-LTR retrotransposon    retroelement hot spot gene    RIME    Trypanosoma brucei
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