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Males achieve greater reproductive success through multiple broods than through extrapair mating in house wrens
Authors:Nicole E. Poirier  Peter O. Dunn
Affiliation:Department of Biological Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA
Abstract:In polygynous species, it is unclear whether extrapair matings provide a better reproductive payoff to males than additional social mates. Male house wrens, Troglodytes aedon, show three types of social mating behaviour: single-brooded monogamy, sequential monogamy (two broods) and polygyny. Thus, male reproductive success can vary depending on the number of mates, the number of broods and the number of extrapair fertilizations. We used microsatellite markers to determine the realized reproductive success (total number of young sired from both within-pair and extrapair fertilizations) of males in these three categories. We found that polygynous males were more likely to be cuckolded than monogamous males; however, half of the polygynous males had a third brood, which resulted in similar reproductive success for sequentially monogamous and polygynous males. Despite the paternity gained from extrapair fertilizations by single-brooded males, males were more successful when they produced multiple broods during a season, either sequentially (monogamy) or simultaneously (polygyny). In our population, multibrooded males were more likely to have prior breeding experience and arrived earlier in the season, which provided a better opportunity to obtain more than one brood and, thus, produce more young.
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