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Stereoselectivity in the biosynthetic conversion of xanthoxin into abscisic acid
Authors:Hiroshi Yamomoto  Takayuki Oritani
Affiliation:(1) Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University, 1-1 Tsutumidori-Amamiyamachi, Aoba-ku, 981 Sendai, Japan
Abstract:All stereoisomers of xanthoxin (XAN) and abscisic aldehyde (ABA-aldehyde) were prepared from (R) and (S)-4-hydroxy-beta-cyclogeraniol via asymmetric epoxidation. Their stomatal closure activities were measured on epidermal strips of Commelina communis L. Natural (S)-ABA-aldehyde showed strong activity comparable to that of (S)-abscisic acid (ABA). Natural (1primeS, 2primeR, 4primeS)XAN and (1primeS, 2primeR, 4primeR)-epi-XAN also induced stomatal closure at high concentrations. On the other hand, unnatural (1primeR)-enantiomers of XAN, epi-XAN, and ABA-aldehyde were not effective. To further examine the Stereoselectivity on the biosynthetic pathway to ABA, deuterium-labeled substrates were prepared and fed to Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, under non-stressed or water-stressed conditions. Substantial incorporations into ABA were observed in the cases of natural (1primeS, 2primeR, 4primeS)-XAN, (1primeS, 2primeR, 4primeR)-epi-XAN and both enantiomers of ABA-aldehyde, leading to the following conclusions. The negligible effect of unnatural (1primeR)-enantiomers of XAN, epi-XAN and ABA-aldehyde can be explained by their own biological inactivity and/or their conversion to inactive (R)-ABA. Even in the isolated epidermal strips, putative aldehyde oxidase activity is apparently sufficient to convert ABA-aldehyde to ABA while the activity of XAN dehydrogenase seems very weak. The stereochemistry of the 1prime, 2prime-epoxide is very important for the XAN-dehydrogenase while this enzyme is less selective regarding the 4prime-hydrdxyl group of XAN and converts both (1primeS, 2primeR, 4primeS)-XAN and (1primeS, 2primeR, 4primeR)-epi-XAN to (S)-ABA-aldehyde. Abscisic aldehyde oxidase can nonstereoselectively convert both (S) and (R)-ABA-aldehyde to biologically active (S) and inactive (R)-ABA, respectively.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - ABA-aldehyde abscisic aldehyde - DET diethyl tartrate - epi-XAN xanthoxin epimer - FCC flash column chromatography - GC-EI-MS gas chromatography-electron impact-mass spectrometry - MeABA abscisic acid methyl ester - IR infrared - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - PCC pyridinium chlorochromate - THF tetrahydrofuran - XAN xanthoxinThe authors are very grateful to Mr J.K. Heald (Department of Biological Sciences, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK) and Dr. R. Horgan for carrying out GC-EI-MS analyses and advice, respectively.This work was supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Fellowship for Young Japanese Researcher No. 0040672).
Keywords:Abscisic acid biosynthesis  Abscisic aldehyde  Chiral synthesis  Epi-xanthoxin  Stomatal closure  Xanthoxin
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