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A rapid survey method for the estimation of density and cover in desert plant communities
Authors:Joseph R. McAuliffe
Abstract:Abstract. The Log-series survey method allows rapid estimates of density and cover and is applicable for studies of perennial vegetation in arid environments. An optical rangefinder is used to determine boundaries of large circular plots. Numbers of individuals of each species within a plot are assessed; this information is used to assign species to logarithmic density classes equivalent to the logarithm base 2 of actual abundances. Each species is then assigned to a logarithmic canopy cover class, equivalent to the logarithmbase 2 of average cover per individual. Log total cover per species per plot is obtained by the addition of logarithmic density and cover classes. Percent cover per species is rapidly computed by taking the antilog of the difference between log total cover per species and log total plot area.
Keywords:Braun-Blanquet scale  Log-series survey method  Sampling
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