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Effects of Gibberellins and Their Methyl Esters on Dark Germination and Antheridium Formation in Lygodium japonicum and Anemia phyllitidis
Authors:Sugai, Michizo   Nakamura, Kazuhiro   Yamane, Hisakazu   Sato, Yoshio   Takahashi, Nobutaka
Affiliation:1Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Toyama University Gofuku, Toyama 930, Japan
2Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan
The effects of GA3, GA4 and GA9 and their methyl esters on darkspore germination and antheridium formation of the ferns Lygodiumjaponicum and Anemia phyllitidis were investigated. Althoughall induced both germination and antheridium formation in Lygodium,only the gibberellins induced these effects inAnemia. (Received August 28, 1986; Revision received November 14, 1986. )
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