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Factors affecting plant regeneration from leaf segments of Anthurium scherzerianum Schott (Araceae) cultured in vitro
Authors:Thomas Geier
Affiliation:(1) Institut für Botanik, Forschungsanstalt für Weinbau, Gartenbau, Getränketechnologie und Landespflege, D-6222 Geisenheim, Germany
Abstract:Regeneration from Anthurium scherzerianum leaf segments was found to be highly dependent on genotype and leaf age. Of the various medium factors tested, the NH4NO3 level had the most significant effect on callus and shoot formation from leaf tissue. A low level of NH4NO3 (200 mg/l) proved beneficial to the induction of regeneration in all genotypes investigated. As compared to induction, multiplication of callus and shoots in subcultures was less susceptible to the action of various medium factors. After isolation from callus, shoots readily formed roots in the absence of growth regulators. High NH4NO3 level (720 mg/l) strongly accelerated root formation. Rooting ability progressively decreased as a consequence of repeated shoot multiplication in the presence of benzyladenine (BA) as sole growth regulator. The advantages and limitations of different micropropagation schemes are discussed.
Keywords:Anthurium scherzerianum  micropropagation  leaf explants  regeneration ability  callus multiplication  shoot multiplication
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