Abstract: | Peaks in hsp 26, 28, and 83 RNA levels are correlated with peaks in ecdysteroid titers during mid-embryogenesis, pupariation, and mid-pupation, and with a peak in the level of RNA from the 74EF ecdysone puff at pupariation. Inhibition of the ecdysteroid peak at pupariation by temperature shift of the conditionally ecdysteroid-deficient strain ecd-1 was followed by a disappearance of hsp 26 RNA and a decline in hsp 83 RNA level; subsequent addition of exogeneous 20-OH-ecdysone to the temperature-shifted strain resulted in a severalfold increase in hsp 83 RNA level, and a dramatic increase in that of hsp 26. These results are consistent with the induction of the hsp 83, 28, and 26 genes by ecdysteroid at several developmental stages. |