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Cellular Neuronal Control of Molluscan Heart
Affiliation:Division of Neurobiology and Behavior, Department of Physiology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University New York, New York 10032
Abstract:Bivalve and gastropod molluscs undergo large changes in externalenvironmental conditions, as well as in internal state. Cardiacresponses to these changing conditions have been recorded ina variety of species. There is a general tendency for heartrate, and presumably cardiac output, to increase in responseto situations that would increase the load on respiratory andexcretory systems. Changes in molluscan heart function in manycases appear not to be mediated directly by cardiac nerves,but rather by such indirect mechanisms as changes in blood constituentsor mechanical, hemodynamic effects on heart muscle. Three typesof cardiac response in Aplysia have been shown to be mediated,at least in part, by the heart regulator nerves. The neural circuits that regulate heart rate in Aplysia andin Helix have been partially described in cellular detail. InMercenaria, Aplysia and other molluscan species there is evidencethat cyclic adenosine monophosphate has a role in mediatingthe excitatory effects of serotonin on heart muscle. There appearsto be, in fact, a general tendency in the Aplysia nervous systemfor neurons that exert tonic, modulatory effects within neuralnetworks that control a variety of behaviors to use serotoninfor a transmitter. In each case there is evidence to suggestthat changes in cyclic adenosine monophosphate levels may mediatesome of the modulatory effects of serotonin.
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