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Interaction of peanut agglutinin,a lectin specific for nonreducing terminal d-galactosyl residues,with embryonal carcinoma cells
Authors:Yaīr Reisner  Gabriel Gachelin  Philippe Dubois  Jean-François Nicolas  Nathan Sharon  François Jacob
Affiliation:1. Unité de Génétique Cellulaire du Collège de France et de l''Institut Pasteur, Institut Pasteur, 25 rue du Dr. Roux, 75015 Paris, France;2. Department of Biophysics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Abstract:Peanut agglutinin (PNA), a lectin specific for terminal d-galactosyl residues, was found to react with embryonal carcinoma cells, but not with their differentiated derivatives. Receptors for PNA were detectable at the surface of all cells of the quasinullipotent F9 line and on only 50% of the multipotent PCC3/A/1 line. The fraction of the PCC3/A/1 population which expresses the F9 antigen was found to be included in the subpopulation carrying the PNA receptors. PNA+ and PNA? subpopulations of PCC3/A/1 were separated by a PNA-mediated reversible agglutination of PNA+ cells with rabbit erythrocytes. These subpopulations were essentially F9+ and F9?, respectively.
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