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Genetic diversity and multilocus structure in sexual Otiorhynchus alpicola populations (Goleoptera: Gurculionidae)
Affiliation:Institute for Biological Research, University of Belgrade, Belgrade 11000, Serbia;Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Belgrade 11000, Serbia
Abstract:Otiorhynchus alpicola Boh. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is distributed on high mountains of central, southern and south-eastern Europe. On the Balkan peninsula, this species is patchily distributed on mountain peaks at heights over 1800 m. To examine the organization of isoenzyme variation of the ten sexual (diploid) populations, starch gel electrophoresis of enzymes was used. The average heterozygosity over 14 gene loci was 0.11. For diploid O. alpicola, F-statistics were used to assess population heterogeneity and substructuring. The data indicate that, compared with other insects, this high-altitude weevil species is genetically very differentiated (the average F ST= 0.35). In addition, gene-flow among populations was extremely low (the estimates of Nem from Wright's F ST and Slatkin private-allele methods were 0.47 and 0.83, respectively). Pairwise linkage disequilibrium (LD) parameters were estimated from zygotic frequencies using Burrows' method. The average rate of significant LD in analysed populations of O. alpicola was about 27%. The pattern of LD over the diploid populations indicates that stochastic factors might be a primary cause of the observed multilocus associations.
Keywords:genetic diversity    sexual populations    population differentiation    linkage disequilibrium    gene flow
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