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Differential effects of multiple short day lengths on body weights of gonadectomized siberian hamsters
Authors:Gorman Michael R
Affiliation:Department of Psychology, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093-0109, USA. mgorman@ucsd.edu
Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) maintained under simulated natural photoperiods exhibit marked reductions in body weight as day lengths decrease in summer and fall. This experiment assessed whether the component of the seasonal body weight rhythm that is independent of gonadal hormones exhibits a graded dependence on decreasing day lengths or whether the entire program of weight loss is triggered by the crossing of a single critical day length in late summer. Male hamsters born into a photoperiod with 13 h light and 11 h dark (i.e., 13L : 11D) were castrated and transferred to simulated natural photoperiod for early April at 40 degrees N latitude. At the summer solstice (15L : 9D) some hamsters remained on that photoperiod whereas others experienced gradual decreases in day length. Three additional groups were moved to static photoperiods when day lengths had subsequently declined to 13L : 11D, 11L : 13D, or 9L : 15D, respectively. Day lengths decreasing to 13L : 11D were sufficient to suppress body weight but were less inhibitory than further decreases in day length. Hamsters identified as photononresponsive on the basis of daily activity rhythms increased body weight monotonically. These results establish that steroid-independent modulation of body weight depends on photoperiod in a graded fashion.
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