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Phosphorus deficiency increases the acetylene-induced decline in nitrogenase activity in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.)
Authors:Ribet, Jrme   Drevon, Jean-Jacques
Abstract:Open-flow assays of acetylene reduction activity {ARA)and CO2production in nodulated roots were performed in situ with soybean{Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cv. Kingsoy grown hydroponically withorthophosphate (Pi) nutrition either limiting (low-P) or non-limiting(control) for plant growth. Nodule growth was more limited thanshoot growth by P deficiency. During ARA assays, nitrogenaseactivity declined a few minutes after exposure of the nodulatedroots to C2H2, and this acetyleneinduced decline (C2H2-ID) wastwice as intense at low-P. Moreover, the minimum ARA after theC2H2-ID was reached about 10 min earlier at low-P. The intensityof the C2H2-ID was correlated negatively with nodule mass perplant and positively with the ratio of shoot/nodule mass. Afterinitial exposure to C2H2, the nodulated-root CO2 productionwas transiently stimulated and, moreover, this increase was2-fold higher at low-P. Then, the nodulated-root CO2 productiondecreased with nodule C2H4 production. During the C2H2-ID, thenodule nitrogenase-linked respiration, which was computed asthe variable component of the linear regression between CO2and C2H4 production, was 2-fold higher at low-P. Furthermore,the microscopic observation of nodule sections revealed thatstarch deposits were decreased at low-P. However, nitrogenaseactivity, i.e. ARA before the C2H2-ID, was not affected by Pdeficiency. It is argued that P deficiency increased the C2H2-IDbecause it increased nodule permeability to O2 diffusion. Key words: Acetylene reduction, nitrogen fixation, phosphorus, respiration, soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr
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