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Klinische,pathologisch-anatomische,thermographische und radiologische Befunde bei einer Giraffe mit chronischer Arthritis
Authors:Guido Haschke  Claudia Anita Szentiks  Gabriela Galateanu  Monika Häfner
Affiliation:1. Forsthausweg 12, D-35578 Wetzlar-Kirschenwäldchen;2. Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschung, Forschungsgruppe Wildtierkrankheiten, Alfred-Kowalke-Straße 17, D-10315 Berlin;3. Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschung, Forschungsgruppe Reproduktionsmanagement, Alfred-Kowalke-Straße 17, D-10315 Berlin;4. Zoo Schwerin, Waldschulweg 1, D-19061 Schwerin
Abstract:Chronic arthritis is a known medical problem in many species also in artiodactyla. The moist coldness that exists in the latitudes of Germany enhances this condition in animals that are accustomed to dry coldness in their natural habitats. This case report shows that thermography can be used for the assessment of arthritis in giraffes. Post-mortem results of pathology and computed tomography confirm the diagnosis based on thermography. Thermal imaging is a practical, non-invasive diagnostic tool for examining animals without stress and anesthesia.
Keywords:Giraffe  Arthritis  Thermal imaging  Computer tomography
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